Monday, January 2, 2017

Sam Sarr dispels reports of Jammeh exit, clears air about ambassadorial appointment

The Gambian deputy ambassador to the UN and the man identified as the next Gambian ambassador to the US ,Samsudeen Sarr, has dispelled swirling rumors that Jammeh has fled to Guinea Conakry.
Senegalese journalist, Adama Gaye, reported in a facebook posting that the Gambian president has fled the country to seek sanctuary in Guinea Conakry .However, in a telephone interview with this writer Samsudeen Sarr reacted to such reports with a dismissive wave of the hand.
He revealed: “I am just hearing that from you .If it happened I am not yet aware of it .I don’t see that happening and nobody has told me about it. Even if it happened, it is Allah’s will but I have doubts about the authenticity of that information. There is a lot of fake news published on social media which a lot of people believe before they come to know the truth. So many things that are being said or reported on social media is false information”.

Ambassadorial appointment

Further prodded about reports of his appointment as the Gambian ambassador to the US to supplant Sheikh Omar Faye who has been recalled after calling on President Jammeh to step down, former army colonel Samsudeen Sarr postulated:
“I wouldn’t say that I am the ambassador yet .I have just been notified but I have not received the letter yet .I can say I have just been nominated and this will be sent to the country I am supposed to serve in for approval before it takes place .I have seen reports of it being shared on social media, but it is not just done like that as there is a process to be followed before you become an ambassador”.

Threat of regional conflagration

Asked about his expectations and anticipations for the electoral petition filed before the supreme court of The Gambia, Samsudeen declared there is “compelling evidence to take to the court which shows there have been questionable elections”.
In the interest of further disclosure, the Gambian representative at the UN posited he is possessed of a sense of “mushrooming tension that can break the sub-region apart .I hope for an amicable solution to preserve the peace and tranquility that Gambians enjoy”.


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