Sunday, January 15, 2017

Former Jammeh ADC calls on security chiefs to stop recognizing Jammeh

Former ADC to outgoing president, Lamin Gano, has called on heads of security chief to put out a joint communique declaring they wouldn't recognize Jammeh as president upon midnight January 19th.

Writing on his blog, former close Jammeh ally posited:

"According to the 01 Dec 2016 Gambian presidential election statistics, the incumbent President Yahya Jammeh got 208, 487 votes. This is equivalent to 23.5% of the total registered voters of 886, 578. This is a man who has been in power for 22 years; who maintained a firm and autocratic control of all the institutions of the state; and who bastardized all the electoral laws to favour his re-election. Therefore, for Jammeh to have less than a quater of the registered votes and still have the audacity to challenging the results is simply ridiculous especially coming from a sitting president who claims to have brought his country from the dark ages to the modern world.
Therefore, it is irrelevant whether or not there were irregularities in the Dec polls. The bottom line is that 76.5% of Gambians have unequivocally rejected Jammeh as their President and a billion fresh elections cannot change that verdict. Jammeh has simply lost all legitimacy to rule the country and when his mandate expires at midnight on 18 January 2017, he becomes an ordinary citizen and it will be totally illegally for any security personnel to receive/execute any orders/instructions from Jammeh".

Proffering a solution to the current political stalemate, former Lieutenant, Gano postulated:

"Here is a simple and peaceful way out. All Service Chiefs must come together and immediately make a joint communiqué that they will stop recognizing Jammeh as their Commander-in-Chief with effect from the 19th January. In this communiqué, they must make it absolutely clear to Jammeh that by midnight of the 18th January, all the military checkpoints and fighting positions that are established around the country will be completely dismantled and all military personnel ordered to report back to their respective bases from where they would await further orders from the President-elect and new Commander-in-Chief".

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