Friday, January 27, 2017

Former Army commander denies involvement in Ello Jallow's death

Gambian deputy ambassador to Turkey, Serigne Modou Njie , has dispelled accusations of involvement in the killing of Ello Jallow who served as body guard to the former First Lady,Zineb Jammeh.

The brother of the deceased ,Pateh Jallow ,revealed in an interview that he was once called by Serign Modou Njie into his office to warn his late brother .
Pateh Jallow alleged in his interview:
"He came from a visit with the First Lady on Monday , but the last day I saw him was Wednesday. He even wanted to marry a lady in Sweden and we were going to start that process. I told him not to come back but he didn't listen. I was very shocked when I came back from a trip to Casamance and was told he had returned to The Gambia against my advice. Prior to that I was called by Serign Modou Njie who asked me to warn him. When I told Ello he replied to me those people were cowards. He said to me he would sacrifice to come because if he didn't I would be in trouble. I told him I was already in enough trouble anyway , but he didn't listen.

" At the death house we were not allowed to have a post mortem. Serigne Modou Njie told me there should not be any post mortem for my brother. He told me if I faced any risks from wanting to do post mortem it would be my own fault. He categorically warned me against post mortem for my brother".
Serigne Modou Njie retorted: " Its not true I called Pateh into my office to tell him about Ello. I know Pateh a long time ago and we were very close. He opened up about financial problems to support the family and I advised him to re-enlist in the force which is why he was taken to the drug squad.
While serving as commander of the State Guard, I had an order from the president to remove Ello from the security detail of the First Lady. This order came after a trip to America by the First Lady, although I don't know what transpired there.Neither Fatou Njie , nor Amadou Joof who was the senior officer in charge would tell me what happened".

Asked about the reaction of the president to the death of his spouse's body guard, former brigadier-general recalled:
"We escorted the president to his office as we did everyday and I told him about Ello's death during the situation briefing. The president asked me what happened and I told him he was involved in an accident. Then he gave me D60,000 to give to his family.I never had a chance to meet them when they came to state house because I was in a meeting, but I left Ansumana Tamba in charge to meet them.

"I loved Ello so much I would never have wanted him to come to any harm. He was the one who started small talk to people of me removing him from the security detail of the First Lady. Ello was such a good soldier and so disciplined. I even made him an instructor for protection training because he was trained by Iranians where he came 3rd place overall. I never would would have wanted to see him dead and it is very painful what Pateh is saying about me concerning Ello's death.

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