Thursday, January 26, 2017

Coalition must do what is right, not expedient

Entrepreneur, Abdoulie Baks Touray, has called on the new government to do what is right rather than expedient with the constitution.
He postulated: "We have moved from Dictatorship to No Ship.If Rosa Parks did not refuse to give up her seat , African Americans would not have been liberated through the civil rights movement and Barack Obama would not have been the first African President.

If Nelson Mandela had not served 27 years in jail , blacks in South Africa would still be living under Apartheid.If Solo Sandeng had not protested (solo) the electoral reforms of Jammeh, there would not have been a coalition which gave Gambian's the opportunity to elect President Barrow".
The constitutional provision of age limit , he observed, was engineered by president Jammeh to proscribe political ambitions of Sheriff Dibba and Assan Musa Camara.He added that Universal Declaration of Human Rights forbids discrimination based on gender, tribe or age, among others.
Mr Touray ploughed on: "The current debate on the constitutionality of the age limit is unconstitutional as it was an expedient input by Jammeh to eliminate Sheriiff Dibba and Assan Musa Camara . The term limit was abrogated by Jammeh unilaterally .What is Expedient is not Right and what is Right is not Expedient- Let's us always do What is Right- Fair and Just.

President Barrow's must be a Leader- Leadership is about doing the Right Things and most importantly making DECISIONS.The unjust provisions under the 1997 constitution should be quickly revised and the question should be asked " Was there a need to introduce the 1997 constitution " that was adulterated.Let our legal luminaries have the last word".

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