Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sidi Sanneh slams 'job lobbying' speculations

Former foreign minister and Gambian ambassador to Dakar, Sidi Sanneh , has adopted a strident tone in his criticism of the coalition government led by Adama Barrow.

Until recently, Sidi Sanneh had been one of the most ardent supporters of the coalition , despite initial expression of misgivings about the competence of the man who is now the president of the tiniest country in mainland Africa.
Sidi Sanneh recently spent some time in the Senegalese capital in the lead up to and aftermath of the fall of Jammeh regime. Since his return to his base in the United States, his writings on social media have been tinged with bitter disappointment .This has excited feverish speculation as to what might have gone awry during his visit that left him less enamored of the politicians behind whom he once threw his gargantuan political weight.
"It is going to be a challenge covering the Barrow administration. It is one misstep after another", Sidi wrote on his Facebook page.

A recent posting offers a more concrete clue on Sanneh's impressions of the new government ,which supplants Jammeh's 22 years of unremitting tyranny ,when he wrote:
"I pulled down a posting yesterday critical of president Barrow because of what president Barrow's photographer named Alhagie Manka posted as the official response to a photo of the president holding a wad of cash ready to be handed over to someone.

No sooner than Mr. Manka posted the now infamous photo than a wave of criticism descended like torrential rains on Team Barrow. Evidently panicked, the photographer took to his Facebook page to concoct what now appears to be lie to cover up for president Barrow, thinking he was serving his boss's interest when he was betraying his trust and that of his country".

Concluding, Sidi said: "President Barrow must start cracking the whip to show that he has what it takes to lead",.
A close observer of The Gambia's political scene, who declined to be named, speculated:
" Sidi Sanneh was in Dakar to lobby for position in the new government, but he was unsuccessful. He was flip flopping at the outset and seemed to be supporting Mama Kandeh instead of Adama Barrow".
Contacted on his phone to shed light on reports of his allegedly abortive attempt to land a plum job with the new government, a clearly exasperated Sidi Sanneh retorted:
" You cannot expect me to respond to you because you are accusing me. Instead of asking me you are accusing me and you call yourself a journalist. Do you know me? I am 70. I am retired, I don't need a job".

Mr Sanneh was informed that the report doesn't necessarily reflect the view of the writer, hence the effort to get his side of the story . But he seemed determined to duck and dive the issue declaring he felt "insulted".

Friday, January 27, 2017

Former Army commander denies involvement in Ello Jallow's death

Gambian deputy ambassador to Turkey, Serigne Modou Njie , has dispelled accusations of involvement in the killing of Ello Jallow who served as body guard to the former First Lady,Zineb Jammeh.

The brother of the deceased ,Pateh Jallow ,revealed in an interview that he was once called by Serign Modou Njie into his office to warn his late brother .
Pateh Jallow alleged in his interview:
"He came from a visit with the First Lady on Monday , but the last day I saw him was Wednesday. He even wanted to marry a lady in Sweden and we were going to start that process. I told him not to come back but he didn't listen. I was very shocked when I came back from a trip to Casamance and was told he had returned to The Gambia against my advice. Prior to that I was called by Serign Modou Njie who asked me to warn him. When I told Ello he replied to me those people were cowards. He said to me he would sacrifice to come because if he didn't I would be in trouble. I told him I was already in enough trouble anyway , but he didn't listen.

" At the death house we were not allowed to have a post mortem. Serigne Modou Njie told me there should not be any post mortem for my brother. He told me if I faced any risks from wanting to do post mortem it would be my own fault. He categorically warned me against post mortem for my brother".
Serigne Modou Njie retorted: " Its not true I called Pateh into my office to tell him about Ello. I know Pateh a long time ago and we were very close. He opened up about financial problems to support the family and I advised him to re-enlist in the force which is why he was taken to the drug squad.
While serving as commander of the State Guard, I had an order from the president to remove Ello from the security detail of the First Lady. This order came after a trip to America by the First Lady, although I don't know what transpired there.Neither Fatou Njie , nor Amadou Joof who was the senior officer in charge would tell me what happened".

Asked about the reaction of the president to the death of his spouse's body guard, former brigadier-general recalled:
"We escorted the president to his office as we did everyday and I told him about Ello's death during the situation briefing. The president asked me what happened and I told him he was involved in an accident. Then he gave me D60,000 to give to his family.I never had a chance to meet them when they came to state house because I was in a meeting, but I left Ansumana Tamba in charge to meet them.

"I loved Ello so much I would never have wanted him to come to any harm. He was the one who started small talk to people of me removing him from the security detail of the First Lady. Ello was such a good soldier and so disciplined. I even made him an instructor for protection training because he was trained by Iranians where he came 3rd place overall. I never would would have wanted to see him dead and it is very painful what Pateh is saying about me concerning Ello's death.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Sanna Manjang flees, as new government takes charge

A key member of Jammeh's assassin team better known as jungulars , Sanna Manjang , has fled the country , according to reliable sources.

Sanna Manajang acquired notoriety with his alleged involvement in the fire-bombing of the Independent newspaper where he sustained burns. He was publicly named and shamed in the National Assembly by politician, Hamat Bah.

The source who spoke to this medium on condition of anonymity, said:"He fled the country either on Monday or Tuesday.Sulayman Sambou ,the man accused of killing solo sandeng is from the same village of kanmamudu as Sanna Manjang. He was also last seen at the village on Monday. The two are daily visitors to the village but they've not been seen since Monday. Sanna has several kids with many women both in and outside marriage. He has divorced 4 wives.

His current wife is fatou Sambou popularly known as Tuti.She is a native of Jarrol Village . She is a young girl who completed school two years ago at Kalagi Senior Secondary School.They have one kid. Tuti and baby are currently in Jarrol Village.And sadly he got nothing from Jammeh. Sanna lived in his father's house till his departure".

Coalition must do what is right, not expedient

Entrepreneur, Abdoulie Baks Touray, has called on the new government to do what is right rather than expedient with the constitution.
He postulated: "We have moved from Dictatorship to No Ship.If Rosa Parks did not refuse to give up her seat , African Americans would not have been liberated through the civil rights movement and Barack Obama would not have been the first African President.

If Nelson Mandela had not served 27 years in jail , blacks in South Africa would still be living under Apartheid.If Solo Sandeng had not protested (solo) the electoral reforms of Jammeh, there would not have been a coalition which gave Gambian's the opportunity to elect President Barrow".
The constitutional provision of age limit , he observed, was engineered by president Jammeh to proscribe political ambitions of Sheriff Dibba and Assan Musa Camara.He added that Universal Declaration of Human Rights forbids discrimination based on gender, tribe or age, among others.
Mr Touray ploughed on: "The current debate on the constitutionality of the age limit is unconstitutional as it was an expedient input by Jammeh to eliminate Sheriiff Dibba and Assan Musa Camara . The term limit was abrogated by Jammeh unilaterally .What is Expedient is not Right and what is Right is not Expedient- Let's us always do What is Right- Fair and Just.

President Barrow's must be a Leader- Leadership is about doing the Right Things and most importantly making DECISIONS.The unjust provisions under the 1997 constitution should be quickly revised and the question should be asked " Was there a need to introduce the 1997 constitution " that was adulterated.Let our legal luminaries have the last word".

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Coalition urged to respect constitution

A legal practitioner, Lamin J Darboe ,has called on the coalition to adhere to the letter and spirit of the constitution in appointments to cabinet positions despite its repugnance to principles of natural justice.The appointment of Fatoumatta Tambajang as Vice President has sparked frenzied debate about violation of the constitution.

Mr Darboe postulated:"To be eligible for appointment as Vice President, all of the conditions delineated under section 62 must be met. In express terms, the Constitution states that “a person shall be qualified to be appointed as Vice-President if he or she has the qualifications required for the election of the President under section 62 (see section 70(2)). Without prevarication, the legal position is unequivocal. No one above 65 years can contest the presidency, and no one above 65 years can be appointed to the vice-presidency. Age is by no means the only restricting provision on appointment to the vice-presidency. In the due diligence requisite for the Coalition government’s lawful appointing process, 62(1)(c) is crucial, and 62(2) is central. Both are non-negotiable. In my view, these provisions are repugnant to democratic principle but there is no escaping that as matters stand, the Constitution remains the fundamental law of the land".
Despite the unjust provisions of the constitution with the consequence of proscribed ambitions, Darboe insisted:

"In a nutshell, the legal position is that a vice-president above 65 years, and, or, a dual national,or a Minister, with dual nationality, cannot be appointed to the Coalition government, i.e., to the Cabinet of President Adama Barrow.I accept there is a political and philosophical angle to this debate. That Babili Mansa continues to affect Gambia’s processes from his political grave is a matter of great consternation. After nearly a quarter century of fighting for change, is it prudent for the Coalition government to sacrifice process for the temporary fix of convenience? Regarding the questions currently on the table, it must be recognised that our difficulties lie not in the domain of interpretation but on express constitutional commands.
In other words, our new dispensation must adhere to the principle of legality, but it must be emphasised that this means the “existence of legal authority” but not necessarily “the quality of that authority”. As earlier stated, the prohibiting constitutional provisions herein discussed are repugnant but unless they can be lawfully tackled, they remain the law and not even the courts can “impeded or restrict the working” of the Constitution.To reiterate, the legal position is that a vice-president above 65 years, and, or, a dual national, or a Minister, with dual nationality, are prohibited from serving in the Coalition government, i.e., as members of the Executive in the Cabinet of President Adama Barrow.Legality requires that we protect our polity by removing “certain basic and fundamental values out of the reach of transient political majorities”.It requires lawful amendment of repugnant provisions to clear the way for utilising the talents of all of our citizens.I hope we are not about to compete Babili Mansa in his speciality of lawlessness".

Disturbing revelations of Ello Jallow murder emerge

Former body guard to the First Lady of The Gambia, Ello Jallow, was killed by soldiers loyal to Jammeh due to suspicion of contact with one of Jammeh's enemies and being inordinately close to his wife.
Speaking in an interview with Freedom radio on the line from Banjul, older brother to the deceased , Pateh Jallow ,recalled:
"There was a a security breach at the house in America and they didn't know who it was. It was only Ello who had a spare key and access to the house which I still have . So one day some one called trying to talk to Ello, but he was unfortunately not close to the phone . When they picked up the phone, they drew the conclusion that the person calling was Khalifa Bajinka who fled because Jammeh wanted to kill him. So then they started accusing Ello Jallow of being the one giving away information about Zainab. Ello knew something about the house even during the process of buying it. He was set up by Amadou Joof and Fatou Njie who reported him.

"He came from a visit with the First Lady on Monday , but the last day I saw him was Wednesday. He even wanted to marry a lady in Sweden and we were going to start that process. I told him not to come back but he didn't listen. I was very shocked when I came back from a trip to Casamance and was told he had returned to The Gambia against my advice. Prior to that I was called by Serign Modou Njie who asked me to warn him. When I told Ello he replied to me those people were cowards. He said to me he would sacrifice to come because if he didn't I would be in trouble. I told him I was already in enough trouble anyway , but he didn't listen".

Giving further details of circumstances surrounding the death of his brother, he postulated:
"They called him for a meeting at Cape Point in Bakau. When he arrived they attacked him but he fought with them and injured Solo Bojang. They sprayed him and overpowered him before strangling him to death. He was then put into a car and dumped on a road side in a poorly staged accident.I had a call from the state guard the next day from one Captain Danso of the State Guard informing me of his death. Prior to his death, the last person Ello spoke to was my brother Demba Jallow whom he told Solo Bojang and Borra Colley were calling him constantly and telling him 'fuck you where are you?'
" At the death house we were not allowed to have a post mortem. Serigne Modou Njie told me there should not be any post mortem for my brother. He told me if I faced any risks from wanting to do post mortem it would be my own fault. He categorically warned me against post mortem for my brother. Then later after the burial of my brother, we were told president Jammeh wanted to see the family of Ello Jallow. When we went to the State House we were given 70, 000 Dalasis but we never had a chance to meet the president".
Pressed whether he was ever told by his brother of alleged relationship with the wife of the president, he replied:
" Yes the wife of the president called him to her room a few times but he was reluctant. He never wanted to do anything like that. He called my mum and told her about it while asking for prayers .Ello is a very respectful person and I don't think he will sleep with someone's wife. Even if he did he shouldn't be killed because even the president sleeps with people's wives ".

US-based former State Guard commander , Khalifa Bajinka, was contacted for comments but he didn't reply.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Minister reveals why Jammeh reversed decision to accept results

With the defection of more ministers as Jammeh's cabinet implodes, Ministers who were once part of Yahya Jammeh's inner sanctum have begun giving details of events leading to his reversal of decision to concede December elections.
Less than 24 hours before the legal mandate of the president of one of the last bastions of tyranny in West Africa expires , his cabinet has been hit by a wave of resignations. To extend his rule, the National Assembly has passed a bill imposing a state of emergency for three months, while extending the mandate of the vanquished dictator for the same length of time .

A former minister in president Jammeh's cabinet, who resigned and sought sanctuary in Senegal , has been making disturbing revelations of the state of political play in the regime.

Jammeh, he said, accepted results without pressure from any member of his cabinet or security top brass , contrary wide-spread media reports in the immediate aftermath of his decision to accept the results.

"Jammeh made the decision to accept results without pressure from anybody. He was willing to step down at that point, but then some people with vested interests would not have it", said the minister who spoke on condition of anonymity.

In the interest of further disclosure, he said one one Jammeh's close military aides, Saul Badjie, was so infuriated over Jammeh's decision to step down he started weeping uncontrollably .

" His military chiefs Saul Badjie and Musa Savage clearly told Jammeh they faced a bleak future if he stood down.They categorically advised him to stay on because there was nowhere for them to go".
Then came further pressure from the civilian ministers. The issue of discrepancy in figures from polls in Basse, he said, was magnified and blown out of proportion by Minister of Tourism, Benjamin Roberts, Minister of Works, Construction and Infrastructure , Balla Garba Jahumpa and Minister of health Omar Sey.
"Those are the ministers who started the argument about electoral fraud and even went to
Basse on a so-called fact-finding mission.Jammeh would have left but he was being used by those people for their selfish interests and now they are abandoning him at the last minute", concluded the former minister who pleaded for anonymity.